Residential Facilities

Serreta Particular Project

Serreta Particular Project

Installation of self-consumption of 5.40 kWp in a rural house in Monforte del Cid (Alicante) with solar modules Canadian Solar monocrystalline cell technology PERC Multi BusBar with an efficiency of 20.1% and inverter Huawei SUN2000-6KTL-L1 maximum output power 6 kWn and an efficiency of 98.4%, which allows a fantastic use of solar electricity generation. This spectacular inverter allows the connection of SUN2000-450W-P optimizers that reduce losses due to shading if necessary.

Project data

Project address: Monforte del Cid
Type of installation: Residential
Type of project: Self-consumption with surpluses.
Installed Power: 5.40 kWp
Annual saving: 1.228,43 €.
Self-consumed energy: 85,40 %.


The installation of the 12 modules will generate an annual production of 8,658 kWh with a yield of 60.2 %. The energy not consumed by the installation will be discharged to the company’s distribution network and will have an economic compensation in the customer’s bill.